1 (406) 837-9199

Glenn E. Tremper, is an experienced and well-respected former civil trial attorney who helps people in conflict by serving as a:

  • Mediator of Legal Disputes Before and During Litigation
  • Neutral Fact Finder
  • Independent Third Party Helping People in Conflict

Regardless of the nature of a dispute, we are here to help you constructively discuss and negotiate a resolution.

About Us

After more than 30 years in a complex civil litigation practice, Glenn E. Tremper, Esq. is now exclusively providing neutral mediation and arbitration services.  Glenn has particular experience and skills in the litigation of construction defects and disputes, complex commercial litigation, insurance coverage and claims handling, family farm and ranch disputes, corporate and partnership breakups, and personal Injury. 

  • What our clients are saying about us

    “Knowledgeable, hardworking and courteous . . . Glenn is one of the finest attorneys in Montana.  That coupled with his experience and hard work will serve parties well in mediation.”

    Brian T, Attorney from Billings
  • What our clients are saying about us

    “Glenn is well-prepared, easy to deal with, respectful, and cost-effective.  He gets the job done!” 

    Mike R., Attorney from Great Falls
  • What our clients are saying about us

    We found Mr. Tremper to be very committed, tenacious and reasonable. He communicated . . .  frequently. We had enormous trust in Mr. Tremper and found him to be a man of high integrity.  I highly recommend Glenn Tremper to clients who need to work through a complex mediation issue and are looking for a fair and reasonable solution.”

    Kerry C., Ohio, President of Client Board.

    We are here to help

    Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

    Glenn E. Tremper, PLLC

    This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. All services are provided by Glenn E. Tremper, PLLC, a Montana Professional Limited Liability Corporation.

    1 (406) 837-9066

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